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- #ifndef XPK_XPKSUB_H
- #define XPK_XPKSUB_H
- /*
- ** $VER: xpk/xpksub.h 4.10 (05.04.97) by SDI
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1991-1996 by
- ** Urban Dominik Mueller, Bryan Ford,
- ** Christian Schneider, Christian von Roques,
- ** Dirk Stöcker
- ** All Rights Reserved
- */
- #ifndef XPK_XPK_H
- #include <xpk/xpk.h>
- #endif
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * The XpkInfo structure
- *
- */
- /* Sublibs return this structure to xpkmaster when asked nicely
- * This is version 1 of XpkInfo. It's not #define'd because we don't want
- * it changing automatically with recompiles - you've got to actually update
- * your code when it changes. */
- struct XpkInfo {
- UWORD xi_XpkInfoVersion ; /* Version number of this structure */
- UWORD xi_LibVersion ; /* The version of this sublibrary */
- UWORD xi_MasterVersion ; /* The required master lib version */
- UWORD xi_ModesVersion ; /* Version number of mode descriptors */
- STRPTR xi_Name ; /* Brief name of the packer, 20 char max */
- STRPTR xi_LongName ; /* Full name of the packer 30 char max */
- STRPTR xi_Description ; /* Short packer desc., 70 char max */
- ULONG xi_ID ; /* ID the packer goes by (XPK format) */
- ULONG xi_Flags ; /* Defined below */
- ULONG xi_MaxPkInChunk ; /* Max input chunk size for packing */
- ULONG xi_MinPkInChunk ; /* Min input chunk size for packing */
- ULONG xi_DefPkInChunk ; /* Default packing chunk size */
- STRPTR xi_PackMsg ; /* Packing message, present tense */
- STRPTR xi_UnpackMsg ; /* Unpacking message, present tense */
- STRPTR xi_PackedMsg ; /* Packing message, past tense */
- STRPTR xi_UnpackedMsg ; /* Unpacking message, past tense */
- UWORD xi_DefMode ; /* Default mode number */
- UWORD xi_Pad ; /* for future use */
- struct XpkMode *xi_ModeDesc; /* List of individual descriptors */
- ULONG xi_Reserved[6] ; /* Future expansion - set to zero */
- };
- /* defines for Flags: see xpk.h, XPKIF_xxxxx */
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * The XpkSubParams structure
- *
- */
- struct XpkSubParams {
- APTR xsp_InBuf ; /* The input data */
- ULONG xsp_InLen ; /* The number of bytes to pack */
- APTR xsp_OutBuf ; /* The output buffer */
- ULONG xsp_OutBufLen ; /* The length of the output buf */
- ULONG xsp_OutLen ; /* Number of bytes written */
- ULONG xsp_Flags ; /* Flags for master/sub comm. */
- ULONG xsp_Number ; /* The number of this chunk */
- ULONG xsp_Mode ; /* The packing mode to use */
- STRPTR xsp_Password ; /* The password to use */
- UWORD xsp_LibVersion ; /* SublibVersion used to pack */
- UWORD xsp_Pad ; /* Reserved; don't use */
- ULONG xsp_Arg[3] ; /* Reserved; don't use */
- ULONG xsp_Sub[4] ; /* Sublib private data */
- };
- /*
- * xsp_LibVersion is the version number of the sublibrary used to pack
- * this chunk. It can be used to create backwards compatible sublibraries
- * with a totaly different fileformat.
- */
- #define XSF_STEPDOWN 1 /* May reduce pack eff. to save mem */
- #define XSF_PREVCHUNK 2 /* Previous chunk available on unpack */
- #endif /* XPK_XPKSUB_H */